Tag Archives: vandalism

Even if Trump is impeached tomorrow Russia, China and North Korea have already won.

As Americans celebrate the peaceful transition of Presidential power on Capitol Hill I’m sure Putin is halfway through a bottle of vodka rubbing his hands together with glee.  

America is a country in utter turmoil, effectively ripping itself apart.  From this point on and into the foreseeable future all the enimies of western democracy just have to sit back and watch and wait.  Yes the’re peaceful sit ins and marches planned for the next week and I have no doubt that they will number in the millions.

However as dignitaries arrived at the event gangs of black clad jack booted thugs ran through the streets.  Many carrying solid red flags, smashing windows and trashing anything they could get their hands on.  I personally witnessed a live shot of a thug tossing a trash can and giving a quick Nazi salute before running off in an attempt to evade police and pepper spray.  Just a little too close to Kristallnacht (The Night of Broken Glass) for my liking. I couldn’t tell if I was watching the live news feed or the Pink Floyd video Run Like Hell

It appears that battle lines are being drawn in America and I sincerely hope that scenes like what the world witnessed today are the exception and not the new normal.  I also wish the incoming American President the best of luck with healing a fractured nation even if I, a Canadian, do not agree with his policy.  As much as it pains me to say it, the world needs a strong America.

Do not play into the hands of our foes, be strong and united America. Bring yourselves together regardless of your political views. The world, friend and foe, is watching you.